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Understanding the Mind of a Cyber Attacker

Cybersecurity breaches continue, even as systems and techniques to prevent or combat them have steadily improved.  It becomes more important to understand and anticipate the mind of the cyber attacker, to keep the damage such a person can cause to a minimum.  According to industry experts*, here are three core motivations of the cyber attacker:

Diligence: "Curiosity might have killed the cat, but the car has nine lives." 

Curiosity drives hackers to explore and understand systems, networks, and software in order to identify vulnerabilities. Not only are they constantly seeking new knowledge and skills to improve their abilities and stay ahead of security measures, they're constantly applying newly learned approaches, tricks, and techniques in different systems.

An Adversarial Attitude: "Move fast and break things"

This mindset is always looking for ways to defeat security measures, challenge the status quo, and push the boundaries of what is possible.  Hackers are often driven by a desire to prove their own abilities and to test the limits of systems and networks. Hackers constantly ask themselves: "How can I break this?", "How can I exploit this?", or "How can I bend this to my will and cause maximum damage?" 

Persistence: "Of course I struggle, I just don't quit"

Hackers may encounter roadblocks and failures, but they don't give up easily. They will continue to work until they have achieved their goal.  Hackers remind themselves that cybersecurity teams need to identify and remediate all vulnerabilities while a hacker needs to find only one. The ​​relentless pursuit of vulnerabilities is at their core.

So, how can organizations properly protect themselves against such plotters?  By applying these same thought processes to their cybersecurity strategies.  For example, employing an adversarial mindset can serve as an essential critical thinking tool to drastically improve an organization's cyber posture by preemptively detecting and remediating vulnerabilities.

Making sure you have the right cybersecurity insurance coverage plays a vital role in this process, as well.  Consult with the professionals at The Reschini Group to learn more.

Copyright 2023 The Reschini Group

The Reschini Group provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice.  To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.