Safety Consulting

Safety is no accident — a statement that can be taken both literally and as a matter of policy and practice. 

When a strong, clear, action-oriented safety culture permeates an organization, the rate of issues, accidents, and injuries can more effectively be managed and reduced.

Insurance helps businesses and individuals recover from such incidents, but the best insurance is to act so that people and property don’t get hurt in the first place.  The Reschini Group offers a level of direct guidance and assistance in this area that not all providers can match.

Our in-house safety consultants are available to serve as an extension of your risk management efforts to build and strengthen your organization’s safety culture.  Areas where we can offer tangible and effective support include:

  • ISNetWorld updates, to stay informed and in compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.

  • Audits of commercial vehicle practices and CFL drivers, within the context of DOT regulations, to minimize risks.

  • Communication and support during the incident resolution process.

  • Root-cause investigations regarding accidents, to help avoid recurrence.

  • Training programs in OSHA compliance, first aid and CPR, aerial work platforms, and more.

  • Conducting third-party on-site audits, and customized safety programs.

A key consideration is whether your business has an established safety committee.  If so, we can help make it more active to generate a positive impact.  If not, we can help you form one, which may reduce your premium costs in the long run.

A comprehensive safety culture takes focus, direction, and an ongoing commitment to keeping people and property safe.  In other words, it’s no accident.

Mike Drew leads the Safety Consulting practice at The Reschini Group.  Email Mike about your situation or sign up to review our webinar or receive our safety brochure below.

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